SDE Theory concepts such as- Operating Systems, DBMS, Computer Networking and SQL are equally important for clearing your SDE interviews and getting placed. And this course is exactly what you need because it will help you master these topics so you are thoroughly prepared for your dream job in tech giants such as Microsoft, Adobe, Amazon, Google and many more. Although taught in almost all colleges, students usually skip over these subjects. But we are here to tell you that these SDE theory concepts are as important as learning DSA! You need to know that preparing for these core CS subjects will not only help you to do well in the tech interviews but will also give you an edge over other candidates possessing the same coding skillset as yours. The core subjects of CSE: Database Management Systems, Operating systems, Computer Networking and SQL will be taught from scratch in this course. This course is inclusive of premium videos recorded by Mr. Sandeep Jain and other industry experts. Not just this, towards the end of the course, we also have objective-type questions for practice as well. So if you are preparing for an SDE interview with any IT giant, then this course is highly recommended for you to strengthen your SDE Theory foundations.