header-logo.png Forge Alumnus
We Serve Peoples Like A Pro
Brightest Minds
Dramatically maintain clicks & mortar for the solutions.
Engage Users
Dramatically maintain clicks & mortar for the solutions.
Business Solutions
Dramatically maintain clicks & mortar for the solutions.
Wherever You Go
Dramatically maintain clicks & mortar for the solutions.
Custom Preference
Dramatically maintain clicks & mortar for the solutions.

Company History


Journey Was Started

In May 2021, Forge Alumnus was officially registered as a company, setting its roots in the vibrant tech hub of Bengaluru. The founders envisioned a future where education and industry would work hand in hand to shape the careers of aspiring individuals.

Building Team

In 2022, Forge Alumnus made significant strides toward its mission. The company assembled a strong, dedicated technical team that shared the founders' passion for comprehensive solutions, through the Career Discovery and Industry Institute Interaction platform.

Product Launch

July 2023 marked a momentous occasion for Forge Alumnus. The company successfully launched its product, heralding a new era to build successful careers in ever-evolving work.

Self Development Skillset

The journey of Forge Alumnus has been marked by dedication and a commitment to creating a bridge between education and industry, enabling aspiring individuals to chart their path to success. The company's progress from its registration in 2021 to the launch of its pioneering product in 2023 demonstrates its relentless pursuit of this noble mission. With a robust team, strong industry connections, and an innovative platform, Forge Alumnus stands as a beacon of hope for those looking to build successful careers in the ever-evolving world of work.
Networking & Connections
Personalized Support
Career Insights
