Android powers over 80 percent of the worlds smartphones, and represents an incredible opportunity for developers everywhere. In this world of fast-moving technology, creation of new technology is taking centerstage. And here's your chance to be at the forefront in the world Android App Development. This Fundamentals of Android App Development course will introduce you to the world of Android and teach how to build android apps from scratch. You will gradually start from the basics and get introduced to Android studio. You will then move on to learn all important topics such as Project Structure, Activity in Android, Groups, Adapters and all other important concepts and techniques that will transform you into an accomplished Android Developer. At the end you will get a chance to practice what you've learned by building your own Music Player App in Android. This Android App Development Course is specially designed for those who wish to learn how to build Android apps. However, you need to have a basic understanding of JAVA Programming Language in order to have a seamless learning experience. So stop wasting your time on different apps, and start building your own! Pre-requisites: You should know the basics of JAVA Programming Language before starting this course.