VJ Hackathon 2023

November- days
- Hours11421
- Minutes685308
- Seconds41118528
Event Description
All that you need to know about VJ Hackathon 2023 CSI SBC, Dept of CSE, VNRVJIET, and TIME.dev(UNPLATFORMS) present the peak productivity time-a-thon for Levelling up Productivity in People and Industry. The 3rd Edition of 24-hour National Level VJ HACKATHON( Victory and Joy in Smart Innovations) on 24th and 25th Nov 2023 in collaboration with Turing Hut, Gama Club & Google Developer Student Club with 1 Lakh cash Prizes! Hackathon Process: Select a problem statement from the document attached below. Upload a PPT on or before 31st October 2023, once you’ve come up with a possible solution. Teams will be shortlisted based on your PPT and the results will be updated within 2 weeks. Team size: maximum 3 students and 1 mentor (Optional). Cash prizes include: Winner : Rs 50,000 (Internship with FTE) 1st Runner : Rs 25,000 (Internship with FTE) 2nd Runner : Rs 15,000 5 Consolation prizes worth Rs 2,000 each. The drive link to access the problem statements, instructions document, and sample PPT is below: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-h68thvYhgHDHxbm2g4p2so26PQbOpEN Participation certificates for the participants and winner certificates for the finalists will be given. Guidelines: There is NO registration fee for the first round. The shortlisted teams (finalists) have to pay Rs. 500 to confirm their participation for the second round. Accommodation will be provided to the shortlisted teams, on the 24th November. Cross year, cross specializations and cross college teams are allowed. The hackathon is based on a 24-hour format. The timings for the hackathon are from 11 AM on the 24th of November to 11 AM on the 25th of November. The hackathon will be held on the premises of VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute of Engineering and Technology. Shortlisted teams are requested to travel to VNR VJIET, Hyderabad, on their own; no travel allowances will be provided. Goodies will be provided to the shortlisted teams. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and refreshments will be provided to the shortlisted teams. The mentor can be a faculty from your respective colleges. He/ She can guide you throughout the hackathon. The presence of the mentor during the hackathon is optional. Any mentor will not be assigned on the day of the hackathon from our side. This Hackathon is open to international students. Rules: Please follow the format of the sample abstract ppt template; do not make any changes to the format. Mention the details of your team clearly. Team size: 1 – 3 members and a mentor(optional). Mentor is optional, if being considered he/she must be a faculty memeber. The abstract ppt MUST be submitted on or before 31st of October. Make sure to mention the problem statement number and name. The shortlisted teams will be notified within two weeks of the First Round submission deadline. The components or tools required to build the solution in the hardware domain are to be brought by the team itself. Mandatory for all the team members to follow our LinkedIn pages - https://www.linkedin.com/company/timedotdev/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/komminenik For any queries,please contact: Mr.P.Sai Saketh -7416419750 Mr.B.Abhinav Sudhanv -9493589170 Mr.B.Vishnukanth Varma -9160196411 Mr.Guna Rathna -9963575562 Mr.D.Sai Rohith -7893439521 Ms.Sai Rakshita Narsigh -9705405660 What are the important dates & deadlines? Registration Deadline 31 Oct 23, 11:59 PM IST Confirmation Call 19 Nov 23, 12:00 PM IST Reporting Time(For finalists) 24 Nov 23, 11:00 AM IST